Winter Care - Update

I took my weave out!! *dancing in joy* It actually wasn't that bad. I was diligent in getting my scalp and braids moisturised. I tried at least once a week to put in some hair trigger on the scalp and in the braids using my handy root's only bottle. I love love love roots only and will be buying a whole bunch as stocking stuffers for the women in my family. I think I neglected my leave out a little bit. I wasn't as consistent with the moisturise and seal routine as I could have been. And I think the ends broke off a little. (and I got a little dandruff along the part between braided hair and left out hair *pout*). Plus it was WINTER!! My hair does not appreciate the dry or the wind but I found a solution!!! Satin lined hats. I jerry-rigged that cap I have now but I've managed to convince a friend (who knits. Yeah!) to make me a nice new one so I'll be rocking that soon. Like this. Click on picture to go to her Etsy website. The satin lining...