Sometimes heat aint bad

I'd been complaining to my sisters how hard it was getting to comb my hair with all the new growth.

Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy that my hair is growing thick and strong but it was hellish trying to keep it moisturised and detangled. And I wasn't even 8 weeks post!! It was getting so bad I considered relaxing early.

So I went to get my hair did. I got a nice deep moisturising conditioner, my hair dresser complimented me on how thick my growth was (yeah for validation) and got my hair flat ironed.

The last time I put heat in my hair was in July when I got my hair relaxed so I'd forgotten all the goodness that a flat iron could bring.

Can be used for GOOD!!

It's like I have a different head of hair! The undergrowth is still there but it's a better reflection of it's significance. aka. it's only 8 weeks of growth so definately not time to relax yet.

It's easier to access the roots to moisturise and my comb is safe once again.

I'm going to aim for 12 weeks post which should put me in november. I might stretch to december if the hair doesn't throw a hissy fit and start breaking.

Then oooh! I'll be rocking some mid-back maybe even armpit length hair?!! we'll see.


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