Wash Day

I've been using Shea Moisture Shampoo with Yucca and Baobab for three washes now. Here are my impressions so far

The Good
1. Volume. My once thin hair is thick and luscious. I'm getting volume that I usually get from 3 weeks of undergrowth but all along the length so whoo whoo! And it seems to last for a long time.

Look So Pretty!
2. The texture. I'm getting used to the not obviously clean feeling ( which is actually caused by all the moisture being stripped from my hair...so that's a good thing) because it feels so soft!!

The Bad
1. Shampoo seems to have ALOT of protein which is good coz I need to bulk up my strands  but my moisturising conditioner isn't strong enough to balance it out.  I might need a new conditioner.
2. Damn thing won't lather! I've read reviews about a nice soft lather but I'm just not seeing it. :( Its probably because the water here is so hard but still!!

The Verdict
I wanted to give this a month of washes before I put it aside but I don't think my hair can take it. I'm happy its so easy to see what my hair does or does not like but I'm on a budget here! I can't be buying new shampoo all the time! I will be using this shampoo once a month to shore up the thickness.


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