Hi There!

Yup It's another black girl hair blog.
If you're like me, you've come across some amazing women on the interwebs doing awesome things with their hair. And the one thought going through your (and my) mind is their hair is long! Like amazingly long. Scaringly long. How are you ever going to get to that length??
If you've stumbled across this blog then it means you're trying to grow your hair out and can't figure out where to start. There aren't enough blogs out there that show women at the beginning of the Healthy Hair Journey (which is where I am) so hopefully this'll help you. Maybe we can start together??

How Did This Start?   
I put on a gorgeous long weave this christmas and loved the way I looked in it. I'd been holding myself back mentally from long hair because I thought I'd sweat too much, my neck would feel uncomfortable etc. It's true that did happen, but I found that the good outweighed the bad. So I decided for my New Year's Resolution to grow out this hair!

The inspiration
Then I slacked off for two months. LOL. I started taking vitamins, started drinking more water and started using shea butter on my damp hair but still my hair was breaking.
I went through a phase where I was shedding enough hair to make a barbie doll wig. Then tragedy struck when I relaxed my lovely thick head of hair and had to chop off an inch of progress because the ends were all broken :(
So I got serious. I started surfing the interwebs and found a couple of websites that were truely inspiring. You can see them on the 'blogs i follow'.  And here I am today. A week into my hair journey.

Wish me luck!



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