Porosity Test

This topic has been covered and covered and covered but I'm going to do it anyways because well you can never hear too much good information.

The Breakdown (like my little pun there?):

Hair Porosity is your hair's ability to absorb water and product and retain what is absorbed.

There's three kinds (much like goldilocks and the three bears).

1. Normal Porosity - not too high and not too low...just right. This is what you aspire to if you're on the other side of the spectrum.

2. Low Porosity - Your hair has difficulty absorbing moisture. It is also difficult for moisture (once it gets in) to leave your hair.

3. High Porosity - Your hair absorbs water ; a lot of it and very fast. It's however difficult for it to maintain that level of moisture and it very quickly feels dry and rough to touch.

There are several things that can affect your hairs porosity. Some are natural causes (i.e. it's not your fault) others are human applied (i.e. it's your fault but you didn't know any better)

Natural: The way the cuticle scales on your hair lie

Self inflicted: Relaxer, applied heat, etc that affect the way the cuticle scales lie on your hair.

This picture explains it better.

Image from www.hairfinder.com

Tests aka How Do I know What kind of Porosity I have?

This handy info-graphic explains all the different tests that you can do. I've only done the glass of water test but plan to do the others next wash day.

Other Links:

-- http://voices.yahoo.com/hair-porosity-help-dry-damaged-hair-part-1-526918.html?cat=69

Audrey Davis-Sivasothy started writing articles about growing black hair in 2007. It's a good place to start.

-- http://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/curly-hair-care-methods/wavy-beginners-guide/applying-products-to-wet-or-damp-hair

This site covers natural hair but a lot of the information translates if you have relaxed hair. If you're stretching your relaxer past 10 weeks it'll also help to follow some natural hair tips especially on your new growth. You have to remember though that your relaxed hair will react differently to products.


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