My encounter with JBCO
I’ve been fighting the good fight against split ends and breakage. They seem to be winning but I will prevail!
One of the things my hairdresser suggested is a deep oil conditioning and treatment. So I went over to get my hair did.
She used JBCO and this awesomely named oil mixture called Complex 5
(you can check it out HERE on Amazon).
My hair feels stronger and there’s lots less shedding buuuuut I had an unfortunate reaction to one of these two oils. I suspect the JBCO because I’ve read about other people having the same reaction.
My scalp began to itch!
I didn’t notice at first. I just thought it was a few random itches. But when I started scratching at work!! I wouldn’t realize it but two hours into my work day I’d go to the bathroom (drinking lots of water makes you pee lots and lots and lots) and notice that my hair wasn’t as together as it should be.
Now it’s normal for my scalp to itch when it starts getting dirty because its so sensitive. But this was on a Monday!
I thought it’ll go away but Wednesday rolled up and I was still itching. :(
I finally broke down and texted my hairdresser who suggested something really interesting.
SHEA BUTTER. (Angels sing, heavenly music)
Apparently, shea butter on your scalp helps neutralize the itch factor. It’s a lot less itchy now and I’m going to wash my hair tomorrow so hopefully that’ll take the rest of the sensation off.
Moral of the story: Some people can have a reaction to JBCO (or any kind of castor oil). The hair growth blog world has many recommendations.
Some say mixing it with EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) or some other carrier oil helps prevent the itching.
Some people say JBCO is an astringent so the tingle/itch means it’s cleaning up your scalp and after a couple of uses that sensation will go away.
I say do what feels comfortable to you. I’m not a big fan of the itching and scratching so I won’t be incorporating JBCO into my weekly routine. I’ll stick to my champion 2000 pomade and look for some other hair growth oil.
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