Braid Out, Twist Out. When my curls drop out.

I tried a braid out yesterday.....pretty big fail :(

Method Analysis

1. I went heavy on the moisturiser yesterday because a) my hair has been feeling really dry this past two week and b) I hadn't moisturized for three days.

2. I sectioned my hair into 5 parts, did a pretty loose braid and tucked the ends into the braid.

3.I didn't braid all the way down to the tips because they've been fragile lately buuuut I also didn't have anything to curl the ends with. Will have to get on that.

4. I'm trying to protect my nape so did it up in a little cornrow. Since I was going to have my hair down nobody would see it.

Result Analysis

1. The curls turned out really well (little did I know)! My ends were straight which was annoying but I tucked them away.

2. I did a little moisture and seal by just rubbing a little on my palms and kinda squishing the curls.

3. Two hours later the curls dropped. :(


I was very disappointed because last time I tried curling my hair it stayed so well.

I think my hair curls better when it hasn't been freshly moisturized.


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