Hair Sauna Treatment (aka GHE) update - 2

Week two of Hair Sauna Treatment

I think my hair is reaching a nice moisture level!! YEAH!! I've only had to moisture and seal every other day this week.

I did the GHE Thursday, Friday and Saturday and left the bag on for aaaages. I didn't sweat as much this week. Probably a function of the lower temperatures here. I like the regression effect it's having on my relaxed hair. It's giving me waves which I think are kinda cute. On the Con side, It makes my ends look fuzzy and I'm not sure if they're splitting and thus dry or just fuzzy from all the moisture.

I used the Neutrogena Triple Moisture (It's going really fast, I have to figure out an efficient way of using it coz at $8 a pop I can't be buying a bottle every month) and put the olive oil on my edges the first night. Then I bought Castor oil and used that on my edges the rest of the time.

Funny Story: I went to CVS and asked for Castor Oil. The guy had no idea what I was talking about. So I had to find another person and she was like "OTC or for your hair?" Turns out castor oil is a laxitive? Eww.

My hair is still weak and breaking easily (I had a hair fall out that was splitting on both ends! WTF?!) but I washed with protein shampoo this week and will probably do so again next week so we'll see if that helps.

I'm 2 months post relaxer and my new growth is growing in directions I didn't even know existed. It feels soft and moisturised and so that's all I can hope for.

Hair Sauna Treatment (HST) Tip:  Seal the minute you take of the shower cap, focusing on the ends. Don't just rewrap and go back to sleep. I didn't do that on Friday Morning and my hair was drrrryyyyy.


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