Month 1

It's been a month since I decided I was going to get serious about growing my hair. It feels like years.

I think if anything, this HHJ (Healthy Hair Journey) is going to teach me about patience and acceptance. Coz darn it! This hair should be grown already! lol.

I have to accept it though. This first year is going to be hard. Yes I might see some growth but until I figure out what works well on my hair, until I learn how to take care of it properly...I'm not going to see the progress that I want.

What Have I Learnt So Far?

1. My hair is really demanding and confused! (or maybe I'm confused)
e.g. It really liked the Shea Moisture shampoo I was using, but hated the combination with the moisturizer.
So I fixed the moisturizer...but then it didn't like the shampoo anymore.
So I got a new moisturizing shampoo...but I think it hates the shampoo even more.

Granted the new shampoo has sulphates in it. It's really funny how just weeks ago I was moaning about how my no-sulphate shampoo didn't lather well. Well this new one lathers alright but it makes my hair feel like straw. :(

Conclusion: Find no-sulphate moisturizing shampoo (actually harder than you'd think)

2. If a conditioner says Fortifying or Nourishing it means its chock full of protein. This isn't a bad thing but if you're like me and trying to prevent breakage... well lets just say recovering from an excess of protein is a lot harder than an excess of moisture. Which is why everything I've read so far says to err on the side of moisture. (Explains why hair went crazy after third straight was with protein rich shea moisture shampoo)

3. I (may) have low porosity hair. I say may because it might also be a result of product build-up. So what I'm going to do next wash day is give myself  a nice apple cider rinse and test my hair for porosity then. 

4. It's really hard to find moisturizing shampoo that also does not include any kind of protein that will 'seal' my cuticles before I can get my moisturizer in there. A protein I've been seeing a lot is Silk Protein. It supposedly becomes a transparent crystalline protective film. This film can directly prevent the hair being damaged by alkaline materials in hair products. This protective film can increase the hair elasticity and increase the hair’s natural shine.  Not exactly what you want when you have hair that is already fanatical about keeping product out.


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