The road to moisture - the pitstop

This is a check in for my moisture quest.
It's been a wild ride but I think I'm coming out of it stronger and wiser. 

I outlined my plan in a previous post but I'll give you the basics again + the new addition that I think is helping as well.

1. Protein free deep conditioning with aubrey organics honeysuckle rose
2. GHE for extra moisture boost
3. Leave-in moisturiser mix
4. Co-washing (new addition)

I'm not a fan of the honeysuckle rose to be honest (Product review coming shortly) but I will continue to use it until its finished coz I spent good money on it..and it does seem to help.

I do the GHE sporadically when I think my hair needs it. It seems to help briefly but the moisture retention is low. It's hard to tell what the growth effect is because it'll take to much to be scientific about this. aka I'm too lazy

Co-washing or washing my hair with conditioner has been the most help I think. I started doing it because I'm trying to get rid of my VO5 bottle. (Strawberries and cream) but it seems that co-washing + deep conditioning = better moisture retention. 

The leave-in mix is from prettywitty77 and she has a video on how she prepares the mix. I tried it first with Aussie Moist conditioner but it was too thick and didn't moisturize at all. She makes hers with Herbal Essence  Hello Hydration and I think that's the best choice.

Verdict: So far so good. Moisture retention seems to be lasting for longer periods of time. There is still a lot to be done and I have to be careful with every bit of protein I introduce to my hair. The journey is long!!


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