Destination on the left? - Road to Moisture


I'm not too sure.

Two weeks ago my hair finally seemed to have reached a level of moisture I could live with. YEAH!!!!

I celebrated by using my Shea Moisture thickening shampoo that weekend and last weekend using the Cantu repair leave-in. BOO

Why would I do that? Why would I put my hair at protein risk again?

Well, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. I'm currently 12 weeks post. At 10 weeks post, (i.e. 2 weeks ago) my relaxed hair freaks out a little bit and starts to break off. The protein shampoo gives it the little boost it needs to make it through week 10. I tried to put the cantu only on the new growth and textlaxed part of my hair and that was to strengthen the line of demarcation and hold it long enough to get my hair relaxed next week.

Next week will be 13 weeks post and my second stretch past week 12. Week 12 is usually the breaking point so I'm very proud of myself. I'm going to try and take the next stretch into 14 weeks etc.


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