The Road to Moisture

Is fraught with giant boulders of dryness.

I just can't....

I'm trying to deep condition weekly and use only moisturizing products in order to cure my over protein-ized hair.

It's still dry! In fact, this week it's been dryer than ever and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.  :(

The GHE method doesn't seem to be penetrating down the entire hair shaft, only the outside facing parts of my hair get wet  (and boy does it) and the middle/core (which is the driest part) stays exactly that.  So using that as an additional moisture boost isn't helping.

I'm using prettywitty's moisturizer (review to come) and while it works well to keep my hair soft and has helped minimize breakage (at least from what I can see) I suspect it's causing product buildup.

Sometimes it feels like I can't win.


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