Product Review: Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditoner

I've been meaning to review this product for ages but wanted to be sure my initial reaction wasn't a fluke.

It's not!! I love this!! Its the best thing that's EVER happened to my undergrowth. ..let me count the ways.
As a detangler -- for whatever reason, my new growth just melts away under cantu. I put it on like it's a relaxer, smooth it into the hair and bam! My comb glides through like a hot knife through icecream cake. (Never tried hot knife + icecream cake? It will change your life).
Detangler size
As a deep conditioner -- I've used it three times so far. I just slather it on (using a little less than I would for a detangling session), wrap my hair in seran wrap and go about my day for an hour or so. Take off the wrap and seal in all that moisture with hair trigger elixer or castor oil. Then air dry. My hair dries so sooooft.
Deep Conditioner size

As a leave-in -- Now I haven't used it as often as a leave-in because usually my hair stays moisturised for 2/3 days. Here's where it can get a little annoying. The cantu goes on white because my new growth appears to be low porosity. Very very white and very sticky. It takes a while to melt down so you do need to patiently work it into your hair.
Leave-in size for ends.

My relaxed ends don't seem to like it as well as my new growth or the texlaxed portion of my hair do...probably because its so creamy. I usually dab my fingers in and smooth it down the ends.
Pros: great as a deep conditioner. Since it is a leave-in you don't have to wash it out. Just seal it in and air dry! Good detangler especially on new growth.
Cons: Goes on white (if you have low porosity hair). Need patience to smooth it in.


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