2014 - 5 Hairesolutions for the New Year

We're two weeks into the new year and I've been thinking about my journey to come.

I'm fully committed to making my hair as healthy and as long as it can be. I started out with a small arsenal that I've stuck to faithfully but I'm beginning to think maybe I need to mix it up a little. So here are my resolutions for 2014

1. Find my stretching breaking point...and sticking to it. I think it's 12 weeks. The 12th week is usually when things start breaking off at the slightest provocation, it becomes horribly hard to comb and snap, crackle and pop are constant companions.

2. Experiment with my oils. I've been using sweet almond oil and castor oil for the past 9 months. I think they've worked well (the castor oil more than the sweet almond) but I want to try some jojoba and grapeseed as well. Maybe I'll do a 3 month challenge for each oil. Thank heaven's they're relatively cheap on Amazon (and at wholefoods)

3. Find a good leave-in moisturizer. Neutrogena has served me well but my new growth doesn't like it and I think my relaxed strands are starting to reject it as well. I think I will try s-curl since a lot of youtubers use it and seem to like it.

4. Continue to speak good things about my hair. It's been difficult staying positive. Especially these past two weeks as I struggle with my new growth. Thinking positive and being positive are a very necessary part of growing my hair. I accept the challenge!

5. Drink the water and take the vitamins. I don't know how it happened but I've really slacked off in the vitamin/biotin aspect of my hair journey.  I'm pretty good with drinking water at work but when I get home...I don't quite understand why but I'm working on it. There's an awesome android app called Water your body that annoys me every two hours. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't.

What are your hair resolutions for 2014?


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