2013 - The Year in Review

Happy New Year!!

In keeping with the most popular theme on the interwebs....this is going to be a post reflecting on the past year.

I'm 9 months into my hair journey.

I started in the middle of May after coming across two amazing hair care sites (Just Grow Already and Relaxed Hair Health). At that time I was very discouraged, I knew my hair could grow because I'd reached shoulder length several times in my life but it seemed a perfect trifecta of hard water, constant dryness and breakage and constant trimming was keeping my hair short.

I couldn't figure out what to do until I found those websites. Those ladies are amazing and gave me the hope and motivation I needed to really get into taking care of my hair.

So I started moisturizing the heck out of my hair. The first week was horrible (looking back). My hair didn't know what to do with all that new love so it would just sit there, damp with moisturizer and would slowly suck it up  over the course of the day so that I was moisturizing and sealing every night.

So What Happened in 2013?

1.  I had to cut my hair up to the middle of my neck because there were so many split ends.  It was heart breaking but I knew it was necessary.

2. My hair grew back faster than ever! I was back to my original length in about a month and a half.

3. I was still playing around with a good hair routine. I'd been using neutrogina triple moisture leave in moisturizer and sweet almond oil but had to add in a Komaza moisturizer to give my new growth some love. I bought a bunch of stuff I didn't need. But I also found a good shampoo (Joico) and good conditioners (VO5 strawberries and cream and ORS replenishing conditioner) that seem to be working well.

4. I started paying active attention to my new growth. The Komaza helps keep it soft and (relatively) manageable. Even though I'd always tried to stretch my relaxer, I realized that I hadn't been doing myself any favors. The crackle I would hear while combing through my hair 8 weeks post was hair breaking off or splitting. Two relaxer stretches in...I still hear that sound sometimes but I like to think it's reduced.

5. I bought hair trigger elixir. I'm a big fan of this oil and try to use it in my hair at least once a week. I should use it more often but I've found it sits very heavy on my hair. Using my roots only bottle has definitely helped in reducing the amount of oil but I've been using it as more of a pre-poo than daily scalp stimulator.

6. My Edges!! I have made considerable progress on my edges. Using a mixture of castor oil and hair trigger elixir. My hair has definitely grown back to pre 2013 levels so now I'm trying to fill it out properly.  I have a tic where I play with the baby hairs at my crown and I'm constantly pushing it back when I'm frustrated....I will have to work on that.

That's about it.  I'm currently at (what I call) shoulder length and at 10 weeks post.  I'm loving where my hair is and I'm looking forward to 2014!

What about you? How did your Hair Journey go in 2013?


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