I done went natural - first wash day experience

After taking out my crochet braids I'd been snipping at my straighter hair every week. Finally I decided F#$(% it and cut it all off.


So now I'm about 100% natural. Am still not sure how this came into being but I like the way my hair springs back when I pull on it so I think I'll keep this for a while.


Thankfully my wash day routine hasn't had to go through many changes.

1. Section hair into 3 and Deep Condition for 30 mins under a hood with my trusted Hairveda Sitrinillah (Never change please God)
2. Detangle with my trusty Magic Star Hercules Sagemann comb (I heard quite a few pops which was startling so I think I'm going to have to finger detangle for a while till I figure it out)
3. Wash with liquid black soap from Paridox.
4. Condition with Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle "Moist"
5. ACV rinse for my scalp
6. Soak up excess with my trusty microfiber towel
8.  Two pumps each of OGX coconut milk serum
7. Leave-in conditioner. I got a brand new leave in from Kenya called Marini Naturals. It has flax-seed gel and shea butter in it. I'm not too excited about it tbh but my hair needs a moisturizing leave-in and it seems to help with moisture so....*shrug*
8. Twist Twist Twist. Two strand twists are really my go to hairstyle especially since I have TaeKwonDo two days out of the week. It's a hot sweaty mess of a work out and I love it. Don't sacrifice exercise for your hair!

* I'm still taking manetabolism when I can remember and I'm pretty bummed that my twists aren't as long as they used to be #shrinkage. They do bounce back quite satisfactorily so Yay me

The Wash Day Experience


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