Manetabolism Challenge - Crunch Time

So I had a very successful wash day. I think I've finally found a winning combination of products that work well for my hair. So yay! I also got a brand new pair of hair shears....the use of which leads me to my Manetabolism Challenge

A weapon of good or evil

I'd been thinking about micro trimming since my last relaxer. The concept of micro-trimming is to trim the thin ends of your hair on a monthly basis (1/4 inch or 1/8 inch) to achieve thickness. The theory is that if you trim as the new growth comes in, you won't experience a discernible impact on length.

Pre Trim. My sides grow really fast

Since I had about 3/4 inches of fully relaxed hair that was causing tangles and generally looked sad and nasty, I figured what could it hurt. I'm also suffering from that annoying inverted U at the back so I was going to trim that to prevent breakage and encourage it to grow properly.

Last relaxer- Dec 6th 2014. Damn inverted U!

Safe to say, I got a little snip happy and cut off all my relaxed ends. At Once. 3-4 Inches. Gone. I am no longer grazing armpit length. #healthoverlength right? *sob*

Post snipping. (I can't cut straight)

So my Manetabolism Challenge is quite simple. My next relaxer is on April 25th 2015. I trimmed cut my hair a week ago. Manetabolism (and Me) has about 5 weeks to get some of that length back.

Will this be the Mane-miracle I need?


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