Wash Day = The post relaxer routine

I'm trying to be serious with this wash day log because I've realized I don't always remember which combination made my hair look good. So every week is a surprise.

Wish me luck!

New Products :  Queen Helene's Cholesterol

I remember using this product when I was home as a deep conditioner. My hair never really liked hot oil treatments (or at least the hot oil treatment they were using) so instead I would deep condition with Cholesterol. 

I was looking at pictures of my hair back then and it was full and rather healthy so something must have been going right. Right?

Regardless I'm adding this into my retinue of products and last Sunday was the first time.


1. Slathered on Queen Helene's Cholesterol from root to tip. Put on plastic cap and steam for 2 hours. (It was supposed to be 1 hour but I started watching a tv show and got distracted)
2. Washed out with warm water. Shampoo with Organix Argan Oil and Shea Butter Shampoo
3. Conditioned with Aussie Moist 3 Minute Conditioner. Put on plastic cap
4. Washed out with warm water. Used micro fiber towel to wrap hair
The micro fiber towel is fast absorbing and so doesn't require rubbing etc. If I keep it on for about 10 minutes my hair is usually dry enough for leave-in conditioner.

5. Leave-in conditioner. I'm still using Jane Carter's Leave-in detangler spray. (review coming soon). I probably have to work on my technique because right now I just spray it all over, work it in, spray some in my hands and work that in.
6. Detangle with Sagemann comb. This technique is also a work in progress.
7. Air dry in 3 bantu knots

I was very happy to get my loose coils back. I'm not on team natural but I'm firmly planted in team texlaxed land. I can feel the difference in thickness between the texlaxed portion and my very relaxed ends (even just after the relaxer and my hair was flat ironed straight).

The Wash Day Experience


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