Update: Healthy Hair Journey Progress Report

I've been a bit mia on the interwebs and that's because I got a new Job! and Moved! and have had about 6 hours of sleep/day since August 18th!!

But I'm about 80% settled into my new apartment and I'm figuring out the new job so now I have time to talk about my hair!!

I'm trying some new products! New job = better pay = more hair products #hairjunkie
I got the Jane Carter Leave-In (which I love... review to come), s-curl activator, no drip (finally! I found it at target for $3 so snapped it up), eco styler gel (still haven't figured out how to use it) and i'm about to order hairveda sitrillinah deep conditioner so i'll be reviewing that as well. Oh and I got seamless combs! I'm so excited to try them.

For this post though I'll do one thing I love and one thing I hate about being in a new state.

I love

The Water:  

I went from a hard water state to a soft water state and my hair is in lurve. It's softer, it's cleaner and it detangles much easier. I can't gush about the water enough. It's a bit scary to realize the difference one thing can make (one thing you can't control) to the quality of your hair. 

Now I took as many precautions as I knew how in the hard water state. I had a filter for my shower which really improved matters and I started using a clarifying shampoo once a month. I didn't start clarifying until a few months before I had to move so I didn't see quantifiable any effects from that but I'm pretty sure that'll help a lot.
Or you know, you could always move to a soft water state (jk).

Takeaway: If you want to check what the quality of your water is like (and this can vary from county to county inside a state) you can go to your state/county water provider website or search for "state, hard water/soft water" on google.

I hate

Having to find a new hair place:  

*sigh* taking care of black woman hair is a bit of a pain. I'm not ready to go the "imma do it my own damn self" route so I need a stylist to textlax, get a trim and the occasional salon level deep conditioning. 

I had the perfect person and now I'm going to have to figure out a way to test new people and find a new person. At this point I'm ok because I'm not close to relax stage. But I'll have to find somebody before then! Maybe I'll just fly to my ex-state of residence and go to my stylist there. #hairproblems

Takeaway: Maybe I should just do it my own damn self. 



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