Relaxer day: August 1st 2014

Welp. I finally got my relaxer. I think my hair was a little over cooked this time around. My hairdresser said there was so much new growth she couldn't get to everything fast enough. 

I'm kindda happy about that (but not really).

So how did I do? Quite well! I still have that annoying inverted V (It's spreading!) but there are signs of progress in terms of growth. I'm not quite sure where these v's are coming from but i've been lurking on instagram and it seems to be quite common. I seem to be the only one with 2 though :(. Somebody theorized that it's the way they were tying their ponytails...but I don't wear ponytails!! I do think it might be how I part my hair

I wasn't going to trim this round and just let it grow out a bit more but I'd much rather have healthy, thick looking hair than long, thin hair. 

I did take a picture before I had it cut so you can see the length. I slacked off on my vitamins in june/july but still got what looks like an inch maybe 1.5 inches.
I'm pretty happy with that.

Goals for the rest of the year
1. Stay true to my once a week deep conditioning goal.

2. Moisturise and baby my nape so that annoying gap closes. (Will try Jen's nape challenge without turning into a product junkie).

3. Continue to take my manetabolism vitamins. 

4. Drink lots of water.

5. Be patient and positive about my hair.
Left: August 1st 2014, Right: May 3rd 2014


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