Curlformers – Of curls and things

I’ve used my curlformers dups (new word I learnt on the interwebs) twice so far and unless I’m not as smart as I think, all those estimates of 30- 40 mins installation time are wrong. It’s still taking me 1.5+ hours to install L and its taking aaages to dry. 

I need one of those

The first time I tried the curlformers I'd washed my hair the day before and air dried it. I sectioned my hair into 6 sections; two in the back, one section in the middle and three upfront. I picked that up from a youtuber who was demonstrating how to put in curlformers (Her name's Lauren Mechelle and her video is down below)

Then I worked on each section (starting from the back). I cut out sections using my fingers and used the ORS wrap and set mousse to dampen and set.

Then I applied the curlformers. If the section is too big it will be very difficult to pull it through the curlformer. DONT FORCE IT! Push the hook back through and start over again. You can try alternating the curlers by color to get a messy curl look or you put them in one color on each side so that they curl in the same direction. I did a mix in the back and used similar colors as I got to the front.

How Long it Took
I started at 10ish on Saturday, was done by twelve-ish and took the formers out at 6pm. They seemed pretty dry but did not last past Monday night. I think it was because I didn’t use cantu.  Even though the curls dropped some, a couple were still fully formed by Friday. 
# of curlformers used = 38

The second time around I was really lazy and started installing them around 7.30pm. Yes pm. I don’t know what I was thinking (Oh that’s right ... I wasn’t). I used cantu and ORS wrap and set mousse to set and I was done by about 9.30 (I took breaks) and spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to push them out of the way so I could sleep comfortably. I shouldnt have bothered.

Lesson: When you read that you shouldn’t try sleeping in these duplicates ... believe it! So you don’t have to go through the pain that I did. Don’t do it!!

I made the sections a little smaller this time so that the style would look thicker when I took them out. Also, this would mean that I don’t have to separate the curls until Wednesday. 

Update: I actually didn't have to separate the curls because my lovely new growth just got puffy and gave me the volume I wanted. It's Friday and while the curls in front have dropped some...the back of my head still looks like 3c/4a curls. *clapping for myself* 

# of curlformers used = 65

Wanna try them out yourself? See below!!


  1. I wanna try these! But they not very cheap, AND I have to buy everything online since there's no shop/store here in BVI that sells them. Your curls look lovely!

  2. Thanks! :) I bought the cheaper version on amazon. ($15). It's apparently on ebay as well. I'll have to check my invoice but think it's called vartek magic smn smn. Be sure to get the extra long and extra wide otherwise it might be too short for your hair.


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