My second weave - aka lesson not learned
Hmm how do I put this. The itching!!
I think I must like punishment.
Why else would I buy (again) a weave that has issues?
Then again maybe all weave has issues... just like hair has issues. So then my job is to find the best weave with the least issues...
Ok. Enough with the semi deep thoughts. I got a new weave. It's Milky Way body wave 12", 100% human hair, colour 1B. I got it for the equivalent of $45 a bundle so a pretty ok deal.
Out of the box
It feels nice and silky. Doesn't tangle when you run your fingers through. (It only does that once you wear it me? Or my clothes?).
Slight shedding but not enough to worry you.
On my head
My stylist did a great job with the pattern. I have a rather thin u part (which I like because less of my own hair to possibly break off)
On my head the 12" are at the perfect length imo. Just bra strap and exactly where I want to be in my hair journey. Good aspiration!
after work moist and seal
It's a good thickness for me because it feels about as thick as my own hair does in a ponytail. For me that makes it easier to believe its mine which makes it easier to speak my own hair length into being.
I like the wave and the thickness. This is what my hair is going to look like.
I was (and am) very amazed about how much my hair blends in...when it's moisturised. Lol.
When it's dry there is an obvious color difference. So motivation to keep it on LOC. (like what I did there?)
One thing I really do not like is that this thing sheeeds!. Everytime I run my hands through it something comes out. Sometimes from the weft!
*sigh* and then the scalp itching (its half dirt, half the weave scratching my delicate scalp. Must be).
I'm not sure if my hair smells so I'm staying away from people. I've decided having a weave that you can't wash is the perfect way to stay celibate.
What's your weave story?
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