
Showing posts from January, 2014

The hair in foreign air - update

Welp turns out my lovely bantu twist outs don't hold up very well in 30°C humid weather. Good to know for the summer eh?   I started using creme of nature conditioner. I love it for the slip and the deep moisturising effect. I made the mistake though of using it twice and my hair is like straw. The deep conditioning treatment I did though was *kisses fingers* so soft and easy to use.   I also did a weave (more of that in another post) and left hair out. I was very against that after the last weave but ego overrode fear of breakage.'ll grow back right? Right?!   So lessons learned are...   1. Always check that the conditioner is light not heavy protein 2. Bantu twist outs don't last in humidity 3. 12 inches of hair is a lot! I can't believe people get longer. Kudis to them cos I dont know if I could.

My first texlax

Its 2014 and my stretch has ended!!! I'm so happy.  The last two weeks have been especially stressful because of breakage and thick new growth. Don't get me wrong.  I'm thrilled at the evidence of my hair to shoot like weeds out of my scalp. It only strengthens my resolve to protect it fiercely and keep it from falling off. Buuuut, detangling was a chore. Made for natural I am not. So I got relaxed this weekend and did my first texlax. My stylist uses mizani on my hair.  I've read about people using relaxer made for kids so that its not too harsh. I think either works its just based on how long you keep it in right? Results : is my hair as flat on my head as after a bone straight relaxer? No. Did I get the promise of curl that you see on youtube videos? Nope. Am I disappointed? Yes kinda. I have to be realistic.  I have 4b/c hair. Loose curly curls are not in my future. I should be happy that its healthy and retained much of the length growth...and I...

2014 - 5 Hairesolutions for the New Year

We're two weeks into the new year and I've been thinking about my journey to come. I'm fully committed to making my hair as healthy and as long as it can be. I started out with a small arsenal that I've stuck to faithfully but I'm beginning to think maybe I need to mix it up a little. So here are my resolutions for 2014

Hair Thought

Random thoughts about my hair.  I'm 12 weeks post. Every time I touch my hair, strands fall out. It feels like I'm watching my length gains break away. Maybe stretching my relaxer is not for me.

2013 - The Year in Review

Happy New Year!! In keeping with the most popular theme on the interwebs....this is going to be a post reflecting on the past year. I'm 9 months into my hair journey.