
Showing posts from May, 2013

What they don’t tell you about ‘hair healthy’ shampoo

aka why doesn’t my sulphate-free shampoo lather ? I started using my new Shea Moisture shampoo (with Yucca and Biotin *natch*) this weekend….and quickly realized I’m going to change my entire hair washing technique. Why? No Suds! No Bubbles! No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate!?! Yup, one of the major ingredients that creates those awesome bubbles and lather is also the number one culprit for dry, rough hair. I’ve been trained to equate lather with cleaning. The convention goes "The more a shampoo lathers the cleaner my hair is going to feel" but going on this HHJ means giving up the bubbles for the sake of the length. That clean feeling = drying and dangerous for your hair. I know that. I just wish somebody had warned me that sulphate free shampoo = no bubbles.  :( :( So this new wash requires a new method. Here’s what I’ve concluded from my experience. 1. Don’t desperately keep adding more to your hair in the hopes that bubbles will show up. They won’t. You’ll ...

My encounter with JBCO

  JBCO = Jamaica Black Castor Oil             I’ve been fighting the good fight against split ends and breakage. They seem to be winning but I will prevail! One of the things my hairdresser suggested is a deep oil conditioning and treatment. So I went over to get my hair did. She used JBCO and this awesomely named oil mixture called Complex 5 (you can check it out HERE on Amazon). My hair feels stronger and there’s lots less shedding buuuuut I had an unfortunate reaction to one of these two oils. I suspect the JBCO because I’ve read about other people having the same reaction. My scalp began to itch! I didn’t notice at first. I just thought it was a few random itches.  But when I started scratching at work!! I wouldn’t realize it but two hours into my work day I’d go to the bathroom (drinking lots of water makes you pee lots and lots and lots) and notice that my hair wasn’t as together as it shou...

Hi There!

Yup It's another black girl hair blog. If you're like me, you've come across some amazing women on the interwebs doing awesome things with their hair. And the one thought going through your (and my) mind is their hair is long! Like amazingly long . Scaringly long . How are you ever going to get to that length?? If you've stumbled across this blog then it means you're trying to grow your hair out and can't figure out where to start. There aren't enough blogs out there that show women at the beginning of the Healthy Hair Journey (which is where I am) so hopefully this'll help you. Maybe we can start together?? How Did This Start?      I put on a gorgeous long weave this christmas and loved the way I looked in it. I'd been holding myself back mentally from long hair because I thought I'd sweat too much, my neck would feel uncomfortable etc. It's true that did happen, but I found that the good outweighed the bad. So I decided for my New...