
Showing posts from 2017

Max Hydration - The update

Well this is a long time coming. Here's my update on Max Hydration... but first I switched up a couple of things from the formula that I found on the interwebs

Max Hydration Fail or Just the Beginning

Q: Why did I not get the same bomb reaction as all these other max hydration bloggers? If you're like me, completely disappointed in your first attempt at max hydration...welcome. Here have a seat. Let's talk expectations vs reality. Coz I had a hard dose of reality this weekend. Day 1 of Max Hydration Method

This Max Hydration Method Thing

Image   Now that I've fully committed to this natural thing I want to go all the way. Get my hair into the best shape it can matter how strange or multi-stepped the process might be (doesn't mean I won't try and make it simple coz I'm lazy). My forays into natural-land keep leading me to the max hydration method which is supposed to feed moisture to your curls (especially 4c) to get them to the maximum level of moisture they can get (hence the name).  We all know well moisturized hair is easier to detangle, style etc so this can only be a good thing. Adding in the satisfaction for 4c hair owners to finally see some "pop" in our often mangled curls means results for max hydration has been well documented. So I won't add to the noise. What I am curious about are things that are rarely mentioned. How to tweak the formulas, how to apply the damn clay wash and how to slot it into your wash day routine so it doesn...

I done went natural - first wash day experience

After taking out my crochet braids I'd been snipping at my straighter hair every week. Finally I decided F#$(% it and cut it all off. 😲😅😉 So now I'm about 100% natural. Am still not sure how this came into being but I like the way my hair springs back when I pull on it so I think I'll keep this for a while.

Crochet Braids, Crochet Curls and how to keep your scalp clean

I put some crochet curls in over the Christmas Holidays! Crochet curls or crochet braids are a pretty popular way of giving your hair a rest and trying a new hair style. What few people will talk about it is how to care for your scalp and keep your scalp clean while they're on your head. I'm sure everybody is already aware of the crochet curl creation process but will put up a small list for the curious 1. Hair! Used Janet Collection 3x Caribbean Braid. Washed in apple cider vinegar and warm water so my scalp won't react negatively to the chemicals on the hair 2. Used the pink/purple perm rods with a twisting motion for the curls 3. Put a little ORX coconut milk serum in the hair to make it smell nice and make it easier to separate for curling 4. Beehive cornrow pattern I got a nice, full head of hair and am very happy with it Scalp care tips after the break

Hair Update: 4C hair growth

It's been a long while. I've been updating on instagram a lot more than on here. @getitstraightbcook What's changed:  I've moved to another country that's dryer, colder and has some pretty hard water. I've also been in protective styles for about 3 months which have helped my 4c transitioning hair to grow. Big News: I'm now about 85/90% Natural!! Picture comparison after the jump.