
Showing posts from December, 2014

Wash Day = The post relaxer routine

I'm trying to be serious with this wash day log because I've realized I don't always remember which combination made my hair look good. So every week is a surprise. Wish me luck! New Products :  Queen Helene's Cholesterol I remember using this product when I was home as a deep conditioner. My hair never really liked hot oil treatments (or at least the hot oil treatment they were using) so instead I would deep condition with Cholesterol.  I was looking at pictures of my hair back then and it was full and rather healthy so something must have been going right. Right?

Hair Dilemma


Prepping for Relaxer

Every relaxer session is an opportunity to try something different in my quest for the (quasi) stable hair routine.  For this stretch I worked on length making sure my ends were well moisturized, trying to keep them away from clothing and scarves and deep conditioning every week.  I tried to extend that practice to my relaxer prep. 1 Week before relaxer. I applied both a protein conditioner and moisturizing conditioner for my deep condition. I used Hairveda sitrinillah on my new growth and put Cantu on my ends in a effort to strengthen them before relaxing.  Market consensus is that relaxers break down the protein in your hair in order to get them straight. So you've got to do what you can to fortify them. Of course this made my hair a little extra dry that week so I had to up my moisturizing and sealing regime. I switched to 70% castor oil mix. 3 Days before relaxer I started prepping my scalp and already relaxed and texlaxed str...