
Showing posts from September, 2013

Inversion Method Challenge - Results

I did it! It was a fun exercise. My pictures are unfortunately not very conclusive because I remembered to take the before picture right after taking out braids. So they're curled up and not at their true length. I tried to recreate the same effect and pose in the after picture but *shrug*. Will I do this again? Yes! It's 28 minutes in total. I get a good week of scalp massages in there and I did a little yoga as well. I do believe I may have gained an inch as well. Either way I win!                                   Before inversion                                           After inversion

My edges are not so sad anymore

       aka The Miracle of Castor Oil I'm not going to say much I'm just going to let the pictures talk for themselves. This is just of the right side of my head from June 26th, July 17th and August 18th. It's pretty amazing really. I stopped using the oil as religiously as I used to but looking at the progress I made after two months....I'm going to start again.  June 26     July 17     August 18

Sometimes heat aint bad

I'd been complaining to my sisters how hard it was getting to comb my hair with all the new growth. Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy that my hair is growing thick and strong but it was hellish trying to keep it moisturised and detangled. And I wasn't even 8 weeks post!! It was getting so bad I considered relaxing early. So I went to get my hair did. I got a nice deep moisturising conditioner, my hair dresser complimented me on how thick my growth was (yeah for validation) and got my hair flat ironed. The last time I put heat in my hair was in July when I got my hair relaxed so I'd forgotten all the goodness that a flat iron could bring.   Can be used for GOOD!! It's like I have a different head of hair! The undergrowth is still there but it's a better reflection of it's significance. aka. it's only 8 weeks of growth so definately not time to relax yet. It's easier to access the roots to moisturise and my comb is safe on...

Inversion Method Challenge - check in

I didn't intend to write about this until the week was over but I thought it might be helpful to record how I'm going about achieving "inversion" First off I have a pretty low futon that I used for the first two days. I'd sit on the futon and bend over my knees with my head facing the floor (just like I'm painting my toe nails). I also sucked in my belly because hey...I might as well. I haven't had any problems getting up from that position so you might want to give it a try. Yesterday I had a flash of inspiration and decided to start my inversion in downward dog. Which is an excellent position because your head is facing down. You also get to work out your arms, legs, back and butt for 4 minutes. I held that position for 5 deep breaths then moved into a hip opener or three legged downward dog . I do that for each leg and that usually gets me to about 1min 25 or 1min Then for the last minute I got onto my hands and knees but still kept my head ...

Inversion Method Challenge

I came across this method last night and i'm eager to try it. Apparently by massaging your scalp with hot oil (I'm going to try it with hair trigger elixir...and cold) and then holding your head 'upside down' you can stimulate hair growth and grow about an inch in just a week. *looks skeptical* It sounds fishy but I've seen pictures on youtube and I figure why not. Here are the rules 1. You must only invert your head for 4/ FOUR minutes. Pretty obvious if you think about it. Your head was not meant to have all that blood swishing around in it. If you want to avoid injury...stick closely to this rule. 2. DONT DO IT OFF A BED. Do not! Do not! use a bed to invert your head. Per YouTube peoples, one woman tried it and lost her eyesight for a couple of minutes. Yes...EYESIGHT. 3. You must rise up slowly after inverting your head. SLOWLY so that you reduce your dizziness. *4. If you do  hardcore yoga, you're probably already doing some variation of a hands...

Hair Confession

Hi, My name is bcook and I'm 6 weeks post. I have a confession: My enthusiasm has plateaued. I no longer have the patience to moisturize and seal in sections. My undergrowth and the dryness that follows are leaving me weary. My hair doesn't like protein. *sob* Protein Dislike This is a problem for me because I have very very fine hair. I was hoping occasional blasts of protein would lead to a tougher, thicker strand. What I'm beginning to realise is that if I use my mild shea moisture boabab shampoo twice in a hair protests with massive shedding. The minute I blast it with moisturising shampoo and heaving M&S sessions, it calms down. Plateau I think (I hope) this is normal. I'm not a very patient person so the rate of hair growth is wearing. I am seeing progress. Exciting progress. But I was hoping for shoulder length hair by now. I know I know I know! I was obviously expecting too much. I started in May 2013 it's now August 2013. That...