Hair update

I'm one month post relaxer. The little growths are beginning to impede my finger combing!! I've been using hair trigger as part of my Hair Sauna Treatment and it seems to be working out fine. My poor pillow cases can only take it a couple of days in a row so I usually bag my hair on Thursday and Friday nights. Then try and wash on Saturday or Sunday. How I do it: (I was using the comb from my hair applicator thingie but it cracked *sob* ) 1. Section the hair into four. It's a lot easier to apply that way and I feel like I'm really covering my scalp. 2. Pour a little of the hair trigger onto my palm and work onto my fingers 3. Gently massage my scalp with my trigger covered fingers. Work the extra oil on my palm through the strands. 4. Apply Neutrogena triple moisture leave in to my ends 5. Wrap and seal and go to bed. So far so good. I like the way it makes my hair feel. It's so much softer. A lot of hair grow mavens have spoken about th...